

Liberto was created by two passionate foodies. It was born out of necessity, grounded in integrity and is driven by passion and a huge love for life. At Liberto, we believe that food is not just something that physically nourishes our bodies, it plays a much greater role in our lives. It is central to celebrations, entertainment and mourning. It is a way of caring for ourselves and for our loved ones. We believe we all deserve to be able to eat a healthy, wholesome diet that doesn’t compromise on taste. We want to spread our love and passion for food by developing an exciting range of range of quality and delicious products, full of nature’s goodness that also happen to be Gluten Free. A single 50g serving of any of our Liberto Organic Beans pastas, gives you a whopping 23g of protein which is 46% of your RDA, packs in 35% of your fibre R.D.A and all the time has an incredible 400% less carbohydrates than in traditional white pasta.  You might expect such an incredible product to be full of bizarre ingredients, but nope: beans and water. That’s it – which means they’re gluten free, vegan, and they’re also totally organic.