Semper Buckwheat & Teff Loaf with Homemade Almond Butter
This Semper Gluten Free Buckwheat & Teff flour mix makes two quick and easy loaves. Perfect for breakfast with homemade almond butter. 
Servings Prep Time
2loaves 20minutes
Cook Time Passive Time
30minutes 25minutes
Servings Prep Time
2loaves 20minutes
Cook Time Passive Time
30minutes 25minutes
For the Buckwheat and Teff Loaf
  • 1500g Package Semper Buckwheat & Teff FlourYou can buy this online from Ocado
  • 450ml Waterat room temperature
  • 50ml Rapeseed oil
  • 50g Fresh yeastor 2 sachets of fast action dried yeast
  • 25ml Honey or Agave Nectar
  • 1tsp Salt
For the Almond Butter
  • 300g Almonds
  • 1Large drizzle Agave nectarTo taste
For the Buckwheat and Teff Loaf
  1. Prepare and weigh the loaf ingredients.
  2. Tip the bread mix into a bowl, and set aside about a tablespoon for later. Add the salt.
  3. Mix the yeast and agave nectar into the water. Pour into a well in the dry ingredients.
  4. Work together for about 3 minutes.
  5. Transfer to two greased 1l bread loaf tins. Even out with floured hands.
  6. Cover and leave to rise at room temperature until double in size (about 25 minutes).
  7. Brush with water, bake at 250 degrees for 30 minutes. Leave to cool and slice to serve. Why not freeze the second loaf for later?
For the Almond Butter
  1. Toast the almonds on a baking tray at 190 degrees for 10 minutes.
  2. Allow to cool and then add to a blender. Blitz! Every few minutes stop, and stir the mixture to ensure it gets evenly processed. Add the agave towards the end.
  3. Pour into a jar.
  4. Serve on the warm Buckwheat and Teff loaf!