Semper Organic Gluten Free Oat Milk
Gluten free, Wheat free, Dairy free, Vegan.
  • 100g Semper Organic Gluten Free Oats
  • 750ml Water
The night before
  1. Weigh 100g of oats into a bowl, cover with water and leave to soak overnight.
In the morning
  1. Rinse the oats well with water using a fine sieve.
  2. Add the soaked, washed oats to a food processor, add 750ml water. Blitz well.
  3. Pass the oat mixture through a muslin cloth to strain the smooth liquid.
  4. Pour into an airtight container. Chill in the fridge, shake before use.
Recipe Notes

We love to use our home-made oat milk to make porridge, on cereal or as a chilled drink.
For a sweeter flavour add a little maple syrup. For saltiness add a small pinch of salt.